CacheDrone Hated by many cachers

CacheDrone was the receiver of the most pies in the face.

REMOVE the reviewer CacheDrone from CANADA - he is RUDE and vindictive

It seems he is disliked, and look the fool is laughing. Has he noticed the joy from the spectator is when he gets a pie in the face.

remove CACHEDRONE  from
CacheDrone Hated by many cachers at Groundspeak | Geocaching


  1. Anonymous7/15/2013

    What a fool the reviewer is. But maybe he did not see the video?

  2. Anonymous8/25/2013

    would like to know more about this, seems it would be right up my alley for a rant.

  3. Anonymous8/27/2013

    I hate this reviewer he archived my caches

  4. Anonymous9/05/2013

    I hate this reviewer too, I started marking mine in different provinces by accident and changing them after they were reviewed by someone else

    1. Anonymous9/06/2013

      that is brilliant, then the HEMROID cachedrone can not reject and be spiteful with caches, or be the red tampon that he has become. thanks 4 completed successfully with other reviewers. We have a city meeting soon and will discuss with the 150 other cachers

  5. Anonymous2/12/2014

    Why is still keeping this reviewer ??? He sent my child arude email last week

  6. Anonymous4/01/2014

    Cachedrone is a complete asshole.... he once said to my face (re: a cache hide he refused to publish), "how bad do you want it?". He WILL NOT publish anything I submit, and uses the guidelines to shut me down every time. Since when is a cache a few hundred km from home a vacation cache?? Yet he publishes other caches daily that break guidelines blatantly. He has admitted to my face, that he has publishes caches that he shouldn't all the time. It has pissed me off so much, I have given up and no longer cache after many years of enjoying the game. This "holier than thou", two-faced, piece of shit prick needs to disappear from this game.

  7. Anonymous8/08/2014

    I've had this particular reviewer actually let me know right up front that he breaks his own interpretation of the "guidelines/rules" for some, including his own hides.... and after denying a cache submission, proceeds to publish caches that should be denied for the same reasons he gave for the denial. The man has no integrity in the game, and arrogantly flaunts his "power" as a reviewer to do as he wishes. Meanwhile hundreds of old caches with deceased/absentee owners live on, hundreds if not thousands of caches break the "rules/guidelines"... and if you try to resolve an issue openly in the forums,,, he WILL take it personal and adjust the guidelines to archive your caches, and make publishing new ones next to impossible. In otherwords, hail the almighty Cachedrone, and bow before him, or he will make the game much less enjoyable for you. He has diminished my enjoyment of the game, and what pisses me of the most, Groundspeak doesn't give a crap that Ontario has it this Cache Nazi as a reviewer.
